Between 23-24 May, world leaders will gather for the World Humanitarian Summit – the first-ever meeting of its kind – to discuss solutions for the most acute causes of current human suffering. Better Shelter is one of the innovations which will be showcased during the summit.
The Summit, which will be held in Istanbul, has been organised to deal with some of the most pressing humanitarian challenges. Participants include governments, humanitarian organisations, donors, representatives from private sector companies and people affected by humanitarian crises. The idea is to propose practical solutions that can be adapted to enable the humanitarian sector to address the challenges of the future.
– Using clever design, new technologies and continuous innovation, we’re able to meet the current and future needs of the world’s refugees and the people who are helping them. For example, electricity is often scarce in camps. So we have developed solar panels in our homes that provide the electricity that enables cooking, reading and socializing even after the sun goes down – says Johan Karlsson, founder and interim MD of Better Shelter.
The world’s humanitarian situation continues to worsen. Sida, the Swedish Government’s International Development Cooperation Agency, estimates that more than 125 million people will be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2016. That is five times as many as were in the same situation in 2006, just ten years ago.