The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has caused the most significant refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Now with some 14 million civilians forced to flee their homes, one-third of the Ukrainian population is displaced. The situation in Ukraine and Eastern Europe is now the fastest-growing and largest displacement crisis in the world.
Ukraine’s largest share of border crossings have been towards four key EU member-state countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Consequently, the EU has led efforts to provide relief items and services and develop guidance for EU member-states on the reception and integration of good practices.

Through rescEU, an enhancement of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the European Commission has funded 4,000 RHUs to be implemented across Europe to increase transitional sheltering capacity. The 4,000 RHUs in the rescEU stockpile will shelter 20,000 people, and are equipped with beds, lighting, a heat source and electricity.
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap – MSB) will deliver and assemble the shelters for immediate protection, until a long-term housing solution is established for the shelter resident. In March 2022, MSB personnel were trained on RHU installation at the MSB warehouse in Kristinehamn, Sweden.

Read more about the rescEU and MSB partnership here.