Supporting partners in Iraq to ensure dignity in temporary shelter

The Iraqi philanthropic association, Ahalna Campaign (حملةأهلنا), implemented more than 250 Better Shelter Relief Housing Units (RHUs) in support of its operations in the Baghdad area.
The first shelters were assembled in January and February 2016 in camps in Baghdad’s Ghazaliya and Takya neighbourhoods. The camps will host Iraqi internally displaced people (IDPs) who have fled the militant group Daesh in other parts of the country. In addition to shelter, the Ahalna Campaign provides displaced families with clean water, food, medicines, and various non-food items.
“We have partnered with Better Shelter to house families in acute need of adequate shelter. The Better Shelter units are sustainable and provide a higher living standard than alternative temporary options,” says Sura Alrawi, PR manager at Ahalna Campaign.