Spurring RHUs into action at the height of the pandemic in Peru

By the end of 2022, Peru had been host to the second largest population of Venezuelan refugees, after Colombia. Most Venezuelans choose to settle in the larger cities, including the capital Lima, and Callao, due to the strength of their respective economies and livelihood opportunities.
However, the consistent stream of refugee arrivals coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, put stress on Peru’s hosting capacity, and national services, most notably the health care sector.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR donated 68 RHUs to the Ministry of Health to provide health care workers in strategic locations with additional infrastructure to isolate and treat patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses. The 68 RHUs have the capacity to treat more than 2,000 additional patients per day.
In October 2022, five RHUs were installed in the northern Peruvian beach town, Huanchaco.