Where we work We support local and global partners worldwide to improve the safety and dignity of people displaced by conflicts and disasters. +-100%Zoom level changed to 1 Search Search content Clear Continents Select contentRegionAfrica (23)Asia and the Pacific (19)Middle East & North Africa (17)Americas (16)Europe (16) Countries Select contentCountryAfghanistan (3)Albania (1)Angola (1)Argentina (1)Bahamas (1)Bangladesh (3)Botswana (1)Brazil (3)Burkina Faso (1)Burundi (1)Cameroon (2)Central African Republic (1)Chad (1)Chile (2)Colombia (5)Costa Rica (1)Croatia (1)Cyprus (1)Czechia (1)Democratic Republic of the Congo (1)Djibouti (1)Dominican Republic (1)Ecuador (3)Ethiopia (1)Greece (2)Guatemala (1)Guyana (1)Honduras (1)India (5)Indonesia (1)Iraq (5)Italy (2)Jordan (2)Kazakhstan (2)Kyrgyzstan (1)Lithuania (1)Malawi (1)Mali (1)Mexico (2)Morocco (1)Nepal (1)Niger (3)Nigeria (1)North Macedonia (1)Pakistan (2)Panama (2)Peru (2)Philippines (1)Poland (1)Romania (1)Rwanda (2)Senegal (2)Serbia (1)Somalia (1)South Sudan (1)Sweden (1)Syria (8)Tajikistan (2)Tanzania (1)Tunisia (1)Türkiye (2)Uganda (3)Ukraine (1)United States of America (1)Yemen (1)Zambia (2)Zimbabwe (1) Year Select contentYear2013 (2)2015 (5)2016 (5)2017 (3)2018 (19)2019 (14)2020 (17)2021 (15)2022 (5)2023 (9)2024 (1) Sector Select contentSectorEducation (7)Health (20)Other (2)Protection (15)Shelter (63) Partner Select contentPartnerAccess to Water Foundation (1)ADRA (1)Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (3)Aga Khan Development Agency (3)Aga Khan Health Services (3)Ahalna Campaign (1)Aksi Cepat Tangga (1)Albanian Red Cross (1)ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association (1)Bonyan Organization (1)Botswana Innovation Hub (1)Clinical Internacional (1)Corporación Organización el Minuto de Dios (1)Croatian Red Cross (1)Croce Rossa Italiana (1)Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (1)European Commission (1)EuroRelief (1)Glimmer of Hope (1)Global Response Management (1)GOAL (2)Grupo Apoyo (1)HAEFA (1)IKEA (2)International Humanitarian Relief (1)International Organization for Migration (1)Local Contractor (1)Maram Foundation (2)Médecins Sans Frontières (2)Ministry of Interior of Cyprus (1)MSB - Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (1)Polish Center for International Aid (3)Polish Humanitarian Action (1)Romanian Red Cross (1)SEEDS (5)Swedish Red Cross (1)Terre des Hommes (1)United Nations Children's Fund (1)United Nations Development Programme (1)United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (49)United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (1)Watan Foundation (2)World Vision (1) Providing Shelter and Hope: Better Shelter and WATAN’s response to the Syria earthquakeBetter Shelter and GOAL provide immediate support to earthquake-affected families in Türkiye and SyriaBuilding with local material and expertise in El Chopá, ColombiaBack to school in Northwest Syria Implementing 200 shelters in Idlib, SyriaProviding shelters for earthquake-affected people in Hatay, Türkiye Load more (120)
Better Shelter and GOAL provide immediate support to earthquake-affected families in Türkiye and Syria