Märta Terne

Märta Terne

COVID-19: Better Shelter responds to a global outbreak

Humanitarian organisations are implementing RHUs in their coronavirus outbreak responses around the world. The modular design of the structures can be altered to suit different requirements and has proven suitable as a temporary health infrastructure in various contexts. The UN Refugee Agency,…

376 shelters to UNOPS in Senegal

As part of the Saint-Louis Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project (SERRP) financed by the World Bank, the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in cooperation with the national agency in Saint-Louis (L’Agence de Développement municipal, ADM), supports the Government of…

GRM treats patients in RHUs

In Matamoros in Mexico, on the banks of the Rio Grande river, lies a refugee camp with around 2500 asylum seekers from different parts of Central America. They are all waiting for their asylum cases to be processed by US…

Happy New Year from the Better Shelter team!

We wish all our partners and supporters a peaceful holiday season and a happy new year! Highlights from the year: LATIN AMERICA, EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA: In 2019 alone, we delivered more than 15,000 shelters to four continents. INDONESIA: 181…

768 shelters to UNHCR In Uganda

South Sudan: 4.3 million people have fled their homes to escape raging violence and severe food shortages, due to years of political and economic chaos and drought. More than 854,000 South Sudanese people currently live as refugees in Uganda, where Better Shelter recently supported UNHCR with shelter assembly training in…

1476 shelters to house Venezuelans in Brazil

Yessenia Guarique, 32, and her husband left Venezuela because of the increasing food shortage. Yessenia lives in Rondon III camp in Brazil with their three children, Crisbelles Marinho, twelve, Valeria, nine, and Victoria, one year old. Crisbelles, who has cerebral…

200 shelters to UNHCR in Bangladesh

UNHCR has together with its partner, the Bangladeshi NGO BRAC, distributed 200 Better Shelter units to the host community in Cox’s Bazar following two weeks of continuous rainfall in August, which flooded and destroyed many houses in the southern part…

See you at Bokmässan!

SWEDISH Av världens 7,1 miljoner flyktingar i skolåldern saknar i dag 3,7 miljoner – mer än hälften – möjlighet att gå i skolan. Skolgång påverkar dramatiskt barnens möjligheter i livet – utbildning minskar risken att leva i fattigdom, rekryteras som…

34 shelters to Indonesia

In July, August and September 2018, a series of earthquakes and several aftershocks outside the Indonesian island Lombok caused severe damage: some 80% of buildings in the northern parts of the island were damaged or destroyed, and almost 700,000 people…