Hosting influx of refugee arrivals from DRC at new transit site in Rwanda

Between November 2022 and January 2023, about 3,000 refugees fled violence from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ten years ago, it was reported that the largely Congolese refugee camps in Rwanda were declared at full capacity. With consistent cross-border migration since then, UNHCR and partners built a new transit complex at the Nkamira site.
“We made it. We came to Rwanda because it is more secure than back home. I arrived only with the clothes we were wearing. It is impossible to carry a bag of your things when someone runs after you.”
Amina, a Congolese refugee who arrived in Rwanda with her young son
Along with UNHCR, participating organisations included the government of Rwanda, UNICEF, ADRA, Save the Children, World Vision and World Food Programme, who contributed to the construction of the transit site to increase reception capacity and to provide protection services. Two RHUs were installed at the site to support health services.