Better Shelter and GOAL provide immediate support to earthquake-affected families in Türkiye and Syria

In February 2023, strong earthquakes hit regions in Türkiye and north-western Syria, causing serious loss of life and the destruction of homes. In response, Better Shelter donated 100 shelters to GOAL supporting displaced families with safe Relief Housing Units (RHUs). A total of 100 RHUs were distributed, with 50 units allocated to each country.
In Türkiye, the RHUs were implemented in the Defne district of Hatay province with the help of AFAD, the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. They were placed next to damaged homes.
In Syria, 50 RHUs were implemented in Athar village in Janudiyeh, Idlib, assisting 32 households (164 individuals). As part of another project funded by the Syria Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF), each household received graveling services for their units, as well as the construction of private latrines and showers.
Positive impacts were observed from beneficiaries, who confirmed that the shelters were much better than tents in terms of safety, durability, and comfort.