Märta Terne

Märta Terne

الدين في سوريا

تصوَّر لو كنت تعيش في مكانٍ وزمانٍ تُجبَر فيهما على الفرار من ديارك. لقد فقدت بيتك ومقتنياتك، وربما بعض أحبَّتك أيضاً. ذلك هو الواقع المأساوي لمئة مليون إنسان في مختلف أرجاء العالم بالنسبة إلى أناسٍ كثيرين فقدوا جميع ممتلكاتهم المادية،…

Sheltering faith in Syria

Imagine living in a time and place where you are forced to flee your home. You’ve lost your home, belongings, and maybe some of the people you love. This is the tragic reality for 100 million people around the world.…

Refugee art to raise awareness

Art has long been a medium to demonstrate both support and resistance for the most pressing issues in the world. The global refugee crisis is one of the most urgent issues in modern history, with 100 million displaced people and…

What is your favourite holiday?

The holidays are unique by culture, geography, and degree of observance. The holidays mean that millions of people around the world will be revisiting their beloved annual traditions, with friends, family and loved ones.  Whether known as Santa Claus, Father…

Holidays away from home

Years of deepening crises in Venezuela has forced more than 6 million people from their homes, displacing the majority to seventeen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. About 60,000 Venezuelan refugees were living in Brazil when the influx of…

Thank you

Looking back With 2022 coming to a close, we thank the many organisations we have collaborated with in the past year. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our partners and the front line workers who continue…

Better Shelter at IKEA Foundation Week

The 2022 edition of the IKEA Foundation Week was held from October 24-28. The week-long event recognised the work resulted from the many partnerships the Foundation has formed with governments, NGOs, businesses, civil society and the individuals who aim to…