Happy New Year from the Better Shelter team!

We wish all our partners and supporters a peaceful holiday season and a happy new year!

Highlights from the year:

LATIN AMERICA, EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA: In 2019 alone, we delivered more than 15,000 shelters to four continents.

INDONESIA: 181 children displaced by the Lombok Island earthquake can play, learn and create new memories with IKEA children products in a centre designed with their specific needs in mind.

SUSTAINABILITY: On World Environment Day, we submitted our first UN Global Compact Communication on Progress Report.

IRAQ: HEKS/EPER supported return of 120 Iraqi families in al-Ayadia, Iraq

ITALY: The Better Shelter was exhibited in Venice during the 58th Biennale

UGANDA: UNHCR and PCPM set up Better Shelter clinics in one of the world’s largest refugee settlements – Bidi-Bidi in Uganda.

AFGHANISTAN: 175,450 people benefit from hundreds of Better Shelter units serving us classrooms, community centres, health clinics and transit centres across Afghanistan

We look forward to continuing collaborating with our humanitarian partners next year, in support of the millions of displaced children, women and men around the world. ????