Assisting health care services in Bangladesh

The violence in Myanmar has forced tens of thousands of Rohingya people from their villages and into neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia, as well as Bangladesh. Health and Education for All (HAEFA) has provided health care in Bangladesh since 2012. Since 2017, they have been focused on increasing access to quality and essential health services for the Rohingya minority population.
““The Better Shelter units provide a sense of permanence. They help make the patients understand that we provide trustworthy health care.”
Toasim Ahmed Chowdhury, Medical Officer, HAEFA
In 2018, HEAFA opened two primary health care centres inside extended Better Shelter Relief Housing Units (RHU) in the Kutupalong and Balukhali refugee camps. Four full-time medical doctors and eight healthcare workers provide free-of-charge medical services six days a week. Thanks to these two clinics, an estimated 1,800 free-of-charge consultations were held per week.
“Earlier, the clinic was situated under the sky, and I had dust allergies as a result… Now I work under a roof and there is a fan – the work environment is more comfortable.”
Zannat Ara, Pharmacist, HAEFA
Read more about HAEFA’s efforts in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh and beyond, click here.