Increasing WASH with ADRA field partners in Uganda

Region: Africa
Country: Uganda
Year: 2018
Shelter: RHU
Project size: 0-50
Modality: Community centres, Offices
Sector: Protection
Partner: ADRA
Support: Capacity Building, Assurance, Logistics

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is an international network with operations in more than 140 countries. They deliver relief, education, health and employment to millions of people regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious association.

The Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in western Uganda was established in 2005 to receive the remaining population of the Kyaka I Refugee Settlement following the mass repatriation of Rwandan refugees in the same year. When violence resumed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in mid-December 2017, there was a new refugee influx into Uganda, with an estimated 17,000 people arriving at Kyaka II. The settlement’s population had grown to almost 45,000 by early 2018.

ADRA implemented 8 Better Shelter Relief Housing Units (RHUs) in Kyaka II as part of their Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme. The WASH programme ensures that every household will receive at least 2 jerrycans per day. 

The RHUs serve as office space and give staff and volunteers a space where they can carry out administrative tasks for the project.

Read more about ADRA’s programs in Uganda here.