Thousands of internally displaced Syrians receive shelter from CARE after the earthquake

In February 2023, several strong earthquakes struck southern parts of Türkiye and northwest region of Syria. Millions of people lost their homes and more than 59,000 people were killed. Better Shelter shipped over 6,600 shelters to partners in the region within weeks, supported by the IKEA Foundation.
In partnership with Bahar and Insani Yardimlasma Dernegi (IYD), CARE International distributed 1,737 shelters in northwest Syria. These serve as shelters and as Health and Protection Centers, benefiting a total of 10,244 people. To meet specific needs, CARE supported the distribution and installation of RHUs and made infrastructure improvements such as graveling roads, installing lighting, and establishing sewage/drainage networks. Each RHU was equipped with mattresses and a concrete base for better installation and insulation.
Raed* was once living in a four-room house with his loved ones, but as the earthquake hit their lives took an unexpected turn, forcing them to seek refuge in a tent within displacement camps near Türkiye’s border.
Life in the tent was challenging— harsh winds, no privacy, and constant insecurity. Thanks to the efforts of IYD, a partner of CARE in Northwest Syria, and the support from the IKEA Foundation and Better Shelter, they could eventually move into a Relief Housing Unit.
*Name changed for privacy.
“Thank God, this unit is much better than the old tent. I feel like I’m living in something resembling a house; the most important thing is that it’s insulated and protects us from the rain in winter, as well as that the roof is high, and we can stand upright inside.”