Sheltering the displaced population in Angola

In March 2017, the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) suffered an outbreak of violence causing internal displacement, with many also fleeing to Angola. It was estimated at the time that over 70,000 refugees were hosted in Angola, out of which 37,608 are from the DRC.
In support of its operations on the field and to guarantee basic services and protection, UNHCR implemented 544 RHUs in Dundo, in the Northern part of Angola.
Read more about UNHCR’s efforts in Angola here.

Angola. A UNHCR tent and RHU for a vulnerable refugee. ; In 2017, political and military instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) forced more than 35,000 people to seek refuge in the Lunda Norte Province of Angola in Southern Africa. Most of these refugees now live in a large settlement in Lóvua municipality. In Lóvua, there are 4 shelter interventions (Tents, RHUs, block homes and timber pole homes).

Angola. A completed RHU ; In 2017, political and military instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) forced more than 35,000 people to seek refuge in the Lunda Norte Province of Angola in Southern Africa. Most of these refugees now live in a large settlement in Lóvua municipality. In Lóvua, there are 4 shelter interventions (Tents, RHUs, block homes and timber pole homes).

Angola. A Congolese refugee stands in front of his RHU in Lóvua ; In 2017, political and military instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) forced more than 35,000 people to seek refuge in the Lunda Norte Province of Angola in Southern Africa. Most of these refugees now live in a large settlement in Lóvua municipality. In Lóvua, there are 4 shelter interventions (Tents, RHUs, block homes and timber pole homes).

Angola. A UNHCR tent and RHU for a vulnerable refugee. ; In 2017, political and military instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) forced more than 35,000 people to seek refuge in the Lunda Norte Province of Angola in Southern Africa. Most of these refugees now live in a large settlement in Lóvua municipality. In Lóvua, there are 4 shelter interventions (Tents, RHUs, block homes and timber pole homes).

Angola. A refugee lady constructs an RHU. ; In 2017, political and military instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) forced more than 35,000 people to seek refuge in the Lunda Norte Province of Angola in Southern Africa. Most of these refugees now live in a large settlement in Lóvua municipality. In Lóvua, there are 4 shelter interventions (Tents, RHUs, block homes and timber pole homes).